8 Chestnut Grove
South Devon
Queen Gift Certificates and Payment Page
Deposits or Gift certificates can be paid by Cheque made Payable to 'African Queen', and sent to the address as shown in the bottom left corner of this page, you can also pay by BACS using these payment details
Bank details. The African Queen. Sort. 30-98-69. ACC. 02400541
Choose Deposit or purchase options from menu.
If you are paying a deposit for a trip that has already been discussed and agreed with us, please can you let us have your Name, the Date of the Trip, and your Mobile telephone number by text or email please.
If you want to give someone an unusual present or if they are just keen on fishing you can download a Half Day or an All Day gift certificate to give to them. This will give them
a trip out on our Boat which they can arrange to suit their own timing or preference by simply giving us a call, or emailing us to discuss what type of fishing trip they want to join in on, and when.
A half day trip per person will cost £30.00, an all day trip £40.00, both prices include tackle hire, tea and coffee but not bait. (we can often catch our own bait at sea to save buying it. We will advise depending on what sort of fishing we will be doing on a chosen day). When you have paid for your chosen trip we will give you an authentication code for you to write on the certificate to validate it. The certificates are valid for a year from the date of purchase. We would expect the recipient to book with us in the year they are valid but if the trip they choose happens to be cancelled by bad weather or for some other reason, we will always honour the certificate for the next season. Clicking the half or all day gift certificate boxes above will open a pdf version of our gift certificate for you to download and print. (NB. they look very good and can make a nice present if printed on glossy paper) If you do not have the facility to print your own, we will send one in the post once it is paid for.